Last Updated on June 6, 2022 by Tia
These short travel stories are tales of my epic travel fails whilst abroad.
In short, they are an insiders view into the many hilarious misshaps that seem to follow me around when i travel!
Keep reading for the refreshing truth about how travel is NOT always perfect, and holidays can sometimes suck too!
Details of how I managed to nosedive into the Thai Jungle coming right up!

Table of Contents
Why are you sharing your embarassing moments?
We all need some humor in our lives…and in truth, there is something funny or a tale to be told about all travel experiences – both good and bad!
Luckily for me, I entertain my self on the daily with endless memories of short travel Stories or as I like to call them.. my Epic Travel Fails.
Beacuse on every trip I go to, I end up getting myself in some form of trouble but luckily for me, I always resurface fabulous and alive to tell the tale.
Such was the case with my time in Thailand at the beautiful ..Koh Samui island.

Short Travel Stories – The Secret Beach
As true bonafide tourists, we had rented a motorbike for our 10 days to Samui.
We took full advantage of this bike to tour every inch and crevice of this incredible island before moving on to PP Islands.
By we, i mean myself and for the purpose of this short travel story, Mr P (the ex)
On our last day there, we woke up determined to find a secret beach- with the ultimate goal to take incredible pictures for the blog you are reading now.

The Thunderstorm
After driving up and down the coast, we stumbled on this hidden, tiny unorganized beach, and the blogger in me was ecstatic- this secret beach was phenomenal!
3 Cosmopolitans in and about 25 million pictures later, we decided to head back to our resort.
I felt like such a babe riding shotgun on the scooter wearing my brand new white bikini, the wind in my hair and not a care in the world, that the sudden rainstorm didn’t even phase me.
Thailand is known for its tropical weather after all!
The problem was…that the rain sure as hell phased the motorbike.

Short Travel Stories – The Accident
Under the heavy sudden storm, the motorbike (which Mr. P decided to drive like the pro rally driver every boy wishes he was) was in the way of car traffic.
This forced Mr. P to keep as close to the edge of the street as possible.
But this foolish man got so close, and the streets were so slippery that the bike swerved and went off into the side of the street- aka, the Thai Jungle.
Mr. P like the lucky man he is fell unto the side of the road.
But Where did Tia fall u ask?……Well, the jungle..of course!!!
There was Thick, lush vegetation all around us, and a tiny opening of trees, with a small opening of a deep hole underneath which led to… nothing I guess – probably death!
I mean this opening was small, you probably couldn’t find it if you tried!
But that’s exactly where I fell.
I can still picture it in slow motion…
Like a deranged magicians assistant, legs flaying in the air, I performed my final disappearing act, by nosediving right into the hole of emptiness.
During my nosedive act, all I could think of was ”For F*** sakes, not again!”
I completed my disappearing act by straddling a tree branch that had grown in a horizontal direction – like a cowboy wannabe riding the rodeo in a cheap bar in Texas.
But God decided that today was not the day to die.

The Rescue
I don’t know how long I stayed on that branch, dumbfounded and in shock before Mr. P and a couple of bystanders arrived to retrieve me from the hole of emptiness.
Mostly I was highly confused as to how I ended up there!
I was shaken up but alive, with not much than a few scrapes and cuts to tell the tale.
I felt hands reaching down and pulling me up.
Then, I saw the face of a gentle Thai man helping me out – who took one look at me and started laughing.
Like Aphrodite on steroids, I emerged from the Thai jungle– My previously white bikini now brown,green and ruined, with a single flip flop on one foot – (The other lost forever in the hole of emptiness), and tree branches and leaves coming out of my hair like an extra in a Midsummer Nights Dream play.
NOT quite as fabulous as I had hoped.
A crooked neck, a few cuts and bruises (and minus my dignity) we rode the bike from hell back to our hotel, where I promised never to let Mr. P ride a motorcycle anywhere near me again.
Bye, Bye flip flop..and bye bye White Bikini – I still think of you from time to time!
And THAT folks is the short travel story of how I performed my famous disappearing act in the Thailand Jungle.
Serious Note:
All jokes aside, Thailand is known for lethal catastrophic accidents, with over 24.000 people dying in road accidents per year!
A whopping 73% of those accidents are scooter accidents! This BBC article talks about the sad statistics in more detail.
Please drive safe, and always wear a helmet!!
I’ll see you soon with more short travel stories!
Tia xoxo
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